North Korea has gained nearly $2 billion from cyber-attacks

North Korea has gained nearly $2 billion from cyber-attacks to develop weapons of mass destruction

Reuters has managed to reach a confidential UN report which shows that North Korea used cyberspace to launch attacks on financial institutions and cryptocurrency exchange. According to the authors of the report, the stolen funds were to finance a programme for the development of weapons of mass destruction. The total amount of income generated in that process reached 2 billion dollars.

UN experts admit that the nature and aim of the attacks made it possible to obtain income that is “more difficult to trace and is a subject of limited control by the government as compared to the traditional banking sector”. In addition, the authors of the report indicate that a large number of cybercriminals were commissioned by the North Korean military intelligence agency.

International sanctions against North Korea were imposed in response to its nuclear tests. They were introduced as a result of UN Security Council resolutions in 2006. Similarly, sanctions were imposed by the EuropeanUnion.

Source: Reuters,

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