One of the most frequently requested services among our clients is searching for a debtor’s assets. Legal firms often approach us, whose clients want to recover their funds. However, their creditors often declare bankruptcy if they are companies or individuals who claim to have nothing and are unable to repay their debts. In today’s world, where the flow of information is enormous, searching for a debtor’s assets has become not only a challenge but also an art using various tools.
In this case, a client approached us whose debtor declared that they do not have the means to cover their debts. However, the client was not convinced about this, so they commissioned us to find the debtor’s assets.
The first step was to use public registers and databases. These registers provide information about real estate, vehicles, and the debtor’s financial assets. Commercial registers, the National Court Register database, and tax offices can provide invaluable data regarding the financial situation. In the case of our debtor, it turned out that they had connections with several companies registered in the National Court Register. However, most of them, despite the legal obligation, did not submit annual financial reports. From the analysis of historical data, it was found that the debtor recently sold their shares in other companies to various individuals, including their wife. Additionally, active business activity of the debtor was found in the CEiDG register.
Internet Content Analysis
The next step was a thorough analysis of data available on the Internet. Such analysis is not only based on search engines but also on social media platforms, discussion forums, and even online auctions. Through them, you can discover many valuable pieces of information about the debtor, such as their place of residence, professional activity, or assets owned. It turned out that our debtor, as well as their wife, are very active on social media platforms. They eagerly posted posts and photos from trips, mainly abroad, concerts, and stays in hotels. The dates of posting the photos clearly indicated that they were published at a time when the debtor supposedly had no means to cover their debts.
Locating Real Estate
We checked the registers for addresses associated with the debtor’s companies and business activities. This led us to several land registers that described properties owned by the debtor. The properties included 2 apartments, a plot of land, and a house in Podlasie, as well as shares in a road. The properties were not encumbered with a mortgage or any usage restrictions. Some of the properties were his sole ownership, while others were jointly owned by him and his wife.
Detective Actions
Through visits by our detectives to the designated addresses, we documented how the aforementioned properties appear. The location of the plot and the house was very attractive, with well-maintained areas, and the house looked new. Additionally, there were 2 cars on the premises. One of them was older and relatively low in value, but the other was a new model.
Continuing to check the data available on the Internet, we came across information that the debtor’s wife is the owner of 3 aesthetic medicine clinics. Additionally, as a doctor, she also practices in a private office there. Furthermore, among the team employed at the clinic, we also found her husband, who is our client’s debtor.
Summary – Debtor’s Asset Search
Search for a debtor’s assets using OSINT is a complex process that requires not only technical know-how but also keen observation, creativity, and collaboration with professionals. By utilizing various sources of information and technological tools, the chances of finding hidden assets and securing debts can be significantly increased.
Our client – a legal firm – was very pleased with the information we found. They explicitly stated that the details provided by us will greatly assist in enforcing their claims.
Author: Piotr Dobosz
*Due to respect and the safety of our clients, all sensitive data has been anonymized for publication.
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